The serial number 123179 means it was manufactured in 1923, in Berlin, Germany. This is a Model A1 Bechstein with a Mahogany casing. It’s becoming more of a rarity to get excited about a purchase as items like this are simply not available on the market. However, this is one to note and we feel lucky to be the new, temporary owner of this wonderful Bechstein Model A1 grand. Bechstein made what we feel to be the most elegant looking grands, their proportions are just fantastic, especially in the longer grand models like this. Bechstein have been long lauded as “The” German piano, especially in this pre-second world war period. Many seem to appear in the original contents of early South African wealthy homes of the Colonial Period as well.
When in original or close-to original condition, Bechsteins are characteristically Bechstein. Their treble tends to be really clear and sweet, their bass strong but not brash. They even have a distinctive smell, presumably because of the choice of timber used to build them, which oddly maintains its subtle woody odour, even 100 years and more later.
The DE 908 Bechstein Grand Pianoforte and stool is currently available for hire and sale.
Hire price: launch charge of R 3550.00 and monthly charge of R 2750.00.
Sale price: R 180 000.00 (incl. VAT).