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S Piano Gallery

This is a section of the Eshelby Pianos’ Piano Gallery which is intended to serve as a reference to provide insight about the huge variety and brands of pianos on the market, hopefully creating a useful resource for anyone interested in learning more about pianos. As time allows, we will be adding more details about piano manufacturers and interesting pianos that we have worked with.
These are pianos Eshelby Pianos owns or has owned since 2015. Most of these pianos are not currently available for hire or sale as they are hired out, have been sold, are awaiting restoration or are being kept as museum or personal items.
Currently available pianos are listed on our Pianos Available for Hire and Sale pages.

Samick Grand Piano (943)

Samick Grand Piano (943)

This piano was made by Samick of Korea in the later 1980’s. It was bought new by the seller an…

Samick Upright Piano (700)

Samick Upright Piano (700)

Samick is a well-recognised Korean brand of piano. We have several of their pianos in our stock and …

Samick Upright Piano (718)

Samick Upright Piano (718)

Serial number: 417303. Samick Model S-105. This piano was manufactured in Korea. We have become rath…

Samick Upright Piano (753)

Samick Upright Piano (753)

Serial number: HB-115F/ IJNF01677. This piano was manufactured by Samick in Korea and rebranded Haze…

Sandner Upright Piano (774)

Sandner Upright Piano (774)

Although manufactured in China, it is bristling with notifications accentuating the German involveme…

Sauter Upright Piano (513)

Sauter Upright Piano (513)

Serial number: 11787/51. This is a premier quality piano was manufactured in Germany. These pianos a…

Schiedmayer Grand Piano (921)

Schiedmayer Grand Piano (921)

This piano was manufactured in 1968. The model has beautiful cabriole legs and a traditional lyre-sh…

Schiedmayer Grand Piano (940)

Schiedmayer Grand Piano (940)

Serial number: 16051. There are two listings for Schiedmayer in the Pierce Piano Atlas, one being J …

Schiedmayer Upright Piano (425)

Schiedmayer Upright Piano (425)

Serial number 14973. This piano was manufactured in Stuttgard, Germany in the mid 1880’s.As yet unfi…

Schiedmayer Upright Piano (608)

Schiedmayer Upright Piano (608)

Serial number: 54091. Built in 1952 in Stuttgart, Germany, this beautiful piano is a great example o…

Schiedmeyer Upright Piano (735)

Schiedmeyer Upright Piano (735)

Serial number 449/32 950. In a walnut re-polished case, this piano has a lovely carving in a frame o…

Schimmel Grand Piano (902)

Schimmel Grand Piano (902)

Serial number: 71390. This piano was manufactured in Braunsweig, Germany. Schimmel is regarded as on…

Schimmel Grand Piano (933)

Schimmel Grand Piano (933)

Schimmel is recognised as a very high quality make of piano. The fourth generation Schimmel family i…

Schimmel Grand Piano (949)

Schimmel Grand Piano (949)

Since purchase we have not had a chance to assess, service and record information about this piano a…

Schimmel Upright Piano (614)

Schimmel Upright Piano (614)

This piano was manufactured in Germany and has a walnut casing. The unique size and structure of thi…

Schimmel Upright Piano (662)

Schimmel Upright Piano (662)

Serial number: 186803. This Schimmel upright was manufactured in Braunsweig, Gemany. This is a &#822…

Schimmel Upright Piano (663)

Schimmel Upright Piano (663)

Serial number: 240212. This Schimmel was built in Braunsweig, Germany 1983. This is a very special f…

Schimmel Upright Piano (689)

Schimmel Upright Piano (689)

Serial number 46903. This Schimmel upright piano was built in Braunsweig, Germany in around 1954. Th…

Schonberg Upright Piano (072)

Schonberg Upright Piano (072)

With an attractive dark brown, mahogany finish, this is a good, taller piano, with clean proportions…

Shug Sohne Upright Piano (729)

Shug Sohne Upright Piano (729)

Serial number: 181156. This is a German-made piano of expectedly high quality. The touch is a lighte…

Sponnagel Upright Piano (147)

Sponnagel Upright Piano (147)

Serial number 714/8196. This piano is in a suburb condition! This is rather surprising as it was man…

Steck Grand Piano (928)

Steck Grand Piano (928)

Manufactured in America, likely New York, this is a very good quality piano. Generally, American pia…

Steck Upright Piano (015)

Steck Upright Piano (015)

This Steck was manufactured in London, England. It is a lovely English piano! The structure is moder…

Steck Upright Piano (067)

Steck Upright Piano (067)

Serial number: 175146. This is a London-built Steck manufactured in the 1930’s. Eshelby Pianos repol…

Steck Upright Piano (076)

Steck Upright Piano (076)

Serial number: 146805. This Steck upright was manufactured in 1942 by George Steck and Co. based in …

Steck Upright Piano (100)

Steck Upright Piano (100)

Built in London, this is a rare and interesting example of a smaller, compact piano. It has an unusu…

Steck Upright Piano (129)

Steck Upright Piano (129)

Serial numbers: 54523, 12827 and 577. This piano was manufactured in London and has a mahogany casin…

Steiner Upright (773)

Steiner Upright (773)

Serial number 172849. We strongly suspect this piano to be an Eastern European made piano and then r…

Steinmayer Upright Piano (327)

Steinmayer Upright Piano (327)

Serial number: 2170. This piano was manufactured in London and has the brighter tone one would expec…

Steinway Grand Piano (904)

Steinway Grand Piano (904)

This Model M Steinway was built in New York in 1933. It has a mahogany casing.

Steinway Grand Piano (905)

Steinway Grand Piano (905)

This Model O Steinway Grand Piano was manufactured in Hamburg, Germany in 1952. Steinway refer to th…

Steinway Grand Piano (909)

Steinway Grand Piano (909)

Serial number 291133. This is an exceptionally rare “modern” model S grand, built in 193…

Steinway Grand Piano (912)

Steinway Grand Piano (912)

This is a Model S (what is commonly referred to as a ‘baby grand’) and has a mahogany casing. The pi…

Steinway Grand Piano (913)

Steinway Grand Piano (913)

Serial number: 256 103. This Model M Steinway piano was built in Hamburg, Germany, in 1927. It has a…

Steinway Grand Piano (914)

Steinway Grand Piano (914)

Serial number: 388838. This Model S Steinway was built in Hamburg in 1964. This small grand piano ha…

Steinway Grand Piano (915)

Serial number 261 760. This Model M Steinway was built in Hamburg in 1928. It has a mahogany casing.…

Steinway Grand Piano (922)

Steinway Grand Piano (922)

Serial number: 219271. This Model M, 170 cm, Steinway was built in New York in 1923. It has a walnut…

Steinway Grand Piano (930)

Steinway Grand Piano (930)

Serial number: 393074; Model S. This piano was manufactured in Hamburg, Germany, and was imported an…

Steinway Grand Piano (931)

Steinway Grand Piano (931)

Serial number 360595. This Model A Steinway Grand Piano was manufactured in Hamburg, Germany in 1958…

Steinway Grand Piano (939)

Steinway Grand Piano (939)

Serial number: 284962. This Model S-155 Steinway piano was manufactured in New York, in 1936 and has…

Steinway Grand Piano (944)

Steinway Grand Piano (944)

Serial number: 30972. This Steinway was manufactured in New York, in 1874. This magnificent Model D …

Steinway Grand Piano (961)

Steinway Grand Piano (961)

This Model S Steinway Grand was built in 1938 in Hamburg, Germany. It has a Chippendale style which …

Steinway Grand Piano (991)

Steinway Grand Piano (991)

Serial number: 359707. This Model O Steinway was built in Hamburg, Germany in 1958. The piano has th…

Steinway Upright Piano (703)

Steinway Upright Piano (703)

Serial number: 103012. This piano was manufactured in Hamburg, Germany in 1901. This incredible find…

Steinway Upright Piano (714)

Steinway Upright Piano (714)

Serial number: 347788. This Model 100 Steinway and Sons upright piano was manufactured in New York. …

Steinway Upright Piano (732)

Steinway Upright Piano (732)

Serial number: 170235. This oak-cased piano was built in Hamburg, Germany in 1915. The piano has ivo…

Steinway Upright Piano (745)

Steinway Upright Piano (745)

Serial number 94163. The date on the metal frame shows it being cast on the 31st of December 1898. T…

Steinway Upright Piano (751)

Steinway Upright Piano (751)

Serial numbers: P308953; U1469. This compact piano was manufactured in 1941. It has a walnut casing …

Steinway Upright Piano (782)

Steinway Upright Piano (782)

Serial number: 263220. This Model K Vertegrand Steinway and Sons Upright Piano was built in 1928 in …

Steinway Upright Piano (786)

Steinway Upright Piano (786)

Serial number: 217 032. This Model K Vertegrand piano was manufactured in New York, in 1923. Its cas…

Steinway Upright Piano (791)

Steinway Upright Piano (791)

Serial number: 291307. Model Z Steinways are extremely scarce. This Model Z Steinway was built in Ha…

Steinway Upright Piano (792)

Steinway Upright Piano (792)

This Steinway Upright is an exemplary example of the prestigious make of piano, that with it being a…

Steinway Upright Piano (793)

Steinway Upright Piano (793)

Serial number 107496. This Steinway was built in Hamburg, in 1902. Steinway is generally considered …

Steinway Upright Piano (794)

Steinway Upright Piano (794)

Serial number 400 267. This Model V Steinway was built in Hamburg, Germany in 1967. Steinways in gen…

Steinway Upright Piano (797)

Steinway Upright Piano (797)

Manufactured in 1896. Although rather antique and masculine in structure, the details on the front p…

Steinway Upright Piano (799)

Steinway Upright Piano (799)

This Model N Steinway was built in 1941, in New York. It has a walnut casing in art-deco style and s…

Stodart Upright Piano (361)

Stodart Upright Piano (361)

Serial number: 1055323. This piano has a dark walnut casing. It is tall and bold!We will be adding m…

Story & Clark Upright Piano (084)

Story & Clark Upright Piano (084)

The Story and Clark piano make has an interesting widespread history! One can only imagine the varia…

Strauss Upright Piano (036)

Strauss Upright Piano (036)

Serial number 2568. Beautifully cased in dark high gloss finished mahogany, appearing almost black i…

Suzuki Grand Piano (956)

Suzuki Grand Piano (956)

Serial number: DH38302. This piano was produced in the East and rebranded for Suzuki. We would estim…

Suzuki Upright Piano (765)

Suzuki Upright Piano (765)

Serial number: IKKDU1176. This Suzuki Model AU100 is of Eastern origin and manufactured in about 201…

With having to recreate the Eshelby Pianos website in early 2023, we are still in the process of loading all of the pianos and details from our previous website to these gallery pages.

This is a section of the Eshelby Pianos’ Piano Gallery which is intended to serve as a reference to provide insight about the huge variety and brands of pianos on the market, hopefully creating a useful resource for anyone interested in learning more about pianos. Pianos include: Samick; Sandner, Sauter; Schiedmeyer (Schiedmeyer, and Soehne); Schimmel; Schindhelm; Scholze; Schönberg; Schröther; Schwechten; Shug Söhn; Sponnagel (Sponnagel, Eduard); Squire & Longson; Stahl; Steck; Steinberg; Steiner; Steinhoff; Steinmayer; Steinway (Steinway & Sons); Steuer (Steuer, Wilhelm); Stodart; Story & Clark (Story & Clark Piano Co. Factory); Strauss; Strohmenger; Suzuki grand and upright pianos.