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Home » Yamaha Grand Piano (951)

Yamaha Grand Piano (951)

    Serial number 6218316. This Model C2 Yamaha was built in Japan in around 2008. It has a high gloss black casing and a matching original stool.

    The photos are taken in our polishing room as the piano had just arrived and we like to do a thorough clean up. This is a superb piano of a very nice size, in original condition and very lightly used. It would suit any serious musician or institution. This sort of piano is what everyone is looking for and they are very hard to come by.

    The piano has 88 keys and 3 pedals. These keys have a medium to heavier touch and a silky-smooth feel. The piano is 1.8 metres in length.

    The DE 951 Yamaha Grand Pianoforte and stool is currently hired out.