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Home » Kawai Upright Piano (656)

Kawai Upright Piano (656)

    Serial number: 189093. This piano was manufactured in Japan and has a walnut casing. The piano was rebranded Bernard Steiner. It is hard to believe that there was a time when Kawai pianos were imported and then relabelled due to them being such a well-recognised manufacturer and make of pianos.

    It has a rich, but brighter, tone quality; 88 keys – with a medium weight touch – and 3 pedals (the middle pedal a sostenuto rail to muffle the sound). The dimensions of this piano are a height of 105 cm, a width of 146.5 cm and a depth of 54.5 cm.

    The DE 656 Kawai (Rebranded Bernhard Steiner) upright pianoforte and stool is available for hire and sale.
    Hire price: a launch charge of R 1 950.00 and a monthly charge of R 475.00.
    Sale price: R 47 500.00 (incl. VAT).