Serial number: 175451. This premier quality Hoffman piano was manufactured in America and has what is referred to an ‘American Walnut’ casing. This is an absolutely lovely piano, certainly in a different league to other Hoffman pianos. One must remember that there were numerous Hoffman brands being produced by different factories, with the same ‘Hoffman’ brand name.
One needs to take a moment to note the beautiful graining in the timber. Eshelby Pianos re-polished this piano in July 2017, keeping its natural walnut colour.
It has a great tone and a medium to hard, solid touch. The third pedal is a practice pedal (it operates the celeste rail). The dimensions of this piano are a height of 113 cm, a width of 144 cm and a depth of 60 cm.
The DE 724 Hoffman Upright Pianoforte with stool is available for hire and sale.
Hire price: launch price of R 2 150.00 and monthly charge of R 450.00.
Sale price: R 36 000.00 (incl. VAT).