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Home » Monington & Weston Grand Piano (918)

Monington & Weston Grand Piano (918)

    Serial number: 68265. This highly attractive grand was built in London in 1953 and is an unusual cabriole leg model with carved detail.

    In January 2016, Eshelby Pianos painted the piano with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint: Pure White over a Paris Grey Undercoat. The piano was distressed to reveal the grey undercoat. It has only been hired out to one family since it was painted.

    As a small grand – at 1.4m long – with a finish to match its structure, it is a highly popular piano.

    The DE 918 Monington and Weston Grand Pianoforte with matching stool is available for hire and sale.
    Hire price: a launch charge of R 3 950.00 and a monthly charge of R 1 750.00.
    Sale price: R 55 000.00 (incl. VAT).

    The piano has undergone a major restoration, that included restringing of the treble with new steel and refinishing of the soundboard. The original figured-walnut casing polish was in good order, showing good patination. Things change. What a loss it would be to not let the craftmanship in the structure of this piano not shine!